Teacher Drinking Excursion to Gunsan

School is out! You know what that means? Well time off, and in my case an overnight drinking fest with my coworkers to celebrate the retirement of my principal. Now the journey to Gunsan was long. We traveled from Tongjin and made some stops in the Gimpo area to pick up the rest of the…

The Cookie Incident

Sara and I watched Cookie (our friends dog) for two days. Quite the interesting two days that was. Cookie was dropped off Wednesday morning bright and early. Sara and I ate breakfast, brushed our teeth, and moseyed onward to work. Upon Sara’s return at approximately 4:30, she discovered that Cookie was no longer in her…

Seoam Elementary School Talent Show – Sara

Last Friday November the 1st my school hosted its annual talent show. The students have been preparing for this day for the last few weeks. My school also included an arts and craft show in the talent show. Students displayed many different types of art, paintings, poems, as well as ornaments. One of the grade…

Tongjin Elementary School Talent Show

Tongjin Elementary had their annual talent show a week ago. After finding out about it I was pretty excited to see the all the acts, especially my grade 5 and 6 students. I boarded a fancy coach bus to literally go down the road to where my apartment is which is roughly a ten minute…

My School Day – Sara

My days at school start at 8:30 am, the first thing I do when I arrive is open windows, I seem to have the stuffiest room in the school. I start up “my cumputer” as it’s called on my desktop. I have to be ready to go, as my first class comes in at 9am.…

The Best and the Worst in Korea

We have been here about a month now and have seen many interesting things here is my top ten list of the best and worst of the past month, not in any particular order. Best: Our friends who we inherited, they live just down the street! The security guards at the buildings they are always…

What can’t you find in South Korea?

When we planned for our year in Korea we did a lot of research. So often we read that you can’t find any western products here and you would need to pack everything you needed for the entire year! Many blogs and people said there wouldn’t be bread, not only can we find bread; we…

Getting our ARC and our first Bus Ride

This week started off with a trip to the immigration office in Incheon. After driving for about an hour Sara, Sang Ho (co-teacher), and I arrived and basically handed our paperwork and medical check to an immigration officer and paid them. Done! South Korea has a lot of paperwork, what for is beyond me but…